Hi. Hi, howdy, hi ho.
We interrupt the Chapters to bring you this exciting update on Office Hours!
I think I mentioned earlier that I have a work space in Saratoga Springs, where I grew up. Office, studio … not sure what to call it; doesn’t really matter. I’m there a couple of days a week and happily starting to work with folks on
Spiritual care
Working through grief
Life transitions
End of life support
Breaking the cycles of addiction
Life is a sticky wicket, so this work is usually a combination of things: understanding life on a spiritual level; looking at the bigger picture of life and death; calling in the wisdom of those who have made the great leap to the spiritual realm; strategizing a way forward. The goal is to live a satisfying and meaningful life.
I’m calling it, simply, Office Hours. I mean, why not?
We can meet in person in Saratoga or virtually, from anywhere! 🪄
Our sessions don’t have a time limit, we talk through what we need to talk through.
I do this on a donations basis.
Please pass this on to anyone you think could benefit. I can be reached at 802.325.2345 or via email, here. xomo